Friday, September 2, 2011


Over the next few weeks I am going to be changing the focus of this blog.  It is still going to include crafts (and Scrapbooking!)  but also DIY, Reviews, Giveaways, Savings information... a little of everything.  I will also be adding some more personal post about my life and family's life. 

The main reasons for this is I just don't have the time currently to craft that I did before I was pregnant and had Jace.  I know this is not a permanent state though so I'm not abandoning crafting entirely (I still buy cricut carts and scrapbook supplies!)  The second reason is I have been a contributing writer over at As They Grow Up and I have loved writing there.  It reminded me of my love of writing.  I've always loved reading and hope to write a book sometime in my not so far future.

I hope you'll will stick with my blog if you stuck it out this long and see what comes up.  My followers and comments keep me going!


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