Wednesday, November 4, 2015

6 Breastfeeding Essentials!

 I have nursed 3 little boys over the last 15 years and will soon be adding another to that list. I have found that there are some essential things you need on hand to make that process easier!

1.  Nipple Cream

Once you start nursing your nipples take a beating. I don't know if they get cracked or cut from being wet for so long but they will hurt! The best thing you can do is use a good nipple cream.

I love - Palmer's Nursing Butter, Lansinoh Lanolin and Earth Mama Angel Baby Nipple butter.
I usually have all three and use them at different times because of different thickness of each product.

 2.  Nursing Pads

Have milk - will leak! If your milk supply is good in the beginning you will leak. I personally like disposable but they also make reusable ones. I haven't really found any brand that is the best over the years but I do like the Lansinoh brand so I bought those this go around.

3. Nursing Cover

This is important especially if your new to nursing and don't want to show the world what your up to. I was always a bit modest so the cover allowed me to not feel the need to lock myself away. The most important things when picking them is a light weight fabric and that it goes over your neck so that you don't have to fiddle with it while nursing.

4. A pump

I like this as a just in case. I don't use them all the time but with each baby I have used my pump.  Why?  A few times to make a bottle so we could go out for more than an hour. A few times because I became so engorged and my nursling slept. It is just a good thing to have on hand. Make sure it is double and electric! You won't get much with a manual pump and if you do a single it will take twice as long!

5. Water

You have to stay hydrated to keep up your milk supply! Drink before you sit down to nurse and drink while your nursing (it always helped with let down for me.)

6. Nursing Supplements

It is easier to just have these on hand in the beginning rather than coming into a problem.  These products help increase your milk supply. You can get  teas, cookies or even pills.  I loved More Milk Plus pills. They were awesome! did not  receive product, press or compensation to facilitate this review. This post may contain affiliate links. We only give our honest opinons of products. This post is in accordance with the FTC 10 CFR, Part 255 concerning the use, endorsements or testimonials in advertising.

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